Thursday, May 15, 2008

Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?

I love my partner. I really and truely do. We've known eachother for years, have been dating since around Christmastime, and we'll be moving in together soon after I return to Michigan (in only two more weeks!).

But it's weird at times. We basically grew up together and didn't see eachother for six years...we got back into contact in December and have been together ever since. However, if you add up all the days we've seen eachother since we started would probably add up to only a month. Does that mean we WOULDN'T be ready for the next step in our relationship when I return? He says he's not, simply because we haven't spent enough time together. We've talked on the phone EVERY single day since I've been it's not like a casual thing. We don't date anyone else. My feelings for him are, without question, stronger than any other person I've ever dated. When he and I met back up, I wasn't interested in a relationship, and neither was he, but something happened along the way that changed all that. Suddenly we were in totally blindsided us.

I think because it happened so fast, he didn't really get used to the whole dating thing. He's never really been in a serious relationship like this before. Sometimes I find that he's incredibly insensitive, selfish, and immature. Other times, he's incredible. He shares his feelings, he showers me with compliments and loving words, and he'll randomly send sweet text messages. Being that I'm 2500 miles away, small things like that matter, but when I tell him I need these things to feel secure in our relationship, he gets defensive and upset. Sometimes I don't know what to do - being so far away has definitely put a strain on our relationship. Sometimes I literally hate myself so much because I know I'm hurting him and our relationship by being out here. I know that if I hadn't come back out here to California in February, our relationship would have progressed so much and we'd be so much further along in this process.

So I wonder what people you HAVE to be in people's presence to really know them or to be able to grow in a relationship? Can a relationship progress if you're far away from one another?

Frankly, I'm extremely surprised that Jerry and my relationship has lasted. I figured he would get bored with the phone calls and the difficulty of the situation and bail. He didn't. This is how I know he loves me as much as I love him. It hasn't been easy and he stuck around. I didn't give up either...and that counts for something on my end too. I have a habit of being a bit of a flake, not following through with things. But I love him...and I wasn't going to let that go. Everyone here at camp never thought that Jerry and I would last...I wouldn't be surprised if there was a pool going (seems there are pools about everything here). They have every right to think that. In the past, I've been terrified of commitment...but with Jerry, it's different. I trust him with everything, I feel so connected, we have amazing chemistry, and we are HAPPY when we are together.

We are polar opposites, though. He's a meat and potatoes kind of guy...and I'm a vegan. He doesn't like to dance...and that's my life. He's a country boy...and although I grew up in the country, I'm much more of a city girl. He's a fast food junkie...I'm a health nut. I love swimming and water sports...and he's terrified of the water. He's very down to earth and logical...and I'm an idealistic space cadet. I love sports...he hates them. I like to read...and he's never read a book in his life. He knows a ton about fixing things...and I'm completely clueless. We don't even like the same music.

Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, doesn't it? Though it's hard at times, it sort of

I'll be home in just two short weeks...I can't wait to see where this all leads. I hope it leads to something really positive and wonderful. Nothing in my life has been easy...including this relationship, but I feel since we've gotten through this 3 and a half months of being away from eachother, we can get through anything.

1 comment:

Joda said...

My advice: go with the flow. Don't worry about the future, 'cause you never know, either of you could get hit by a bus tomorrow and all you would be left with is memories. Enjoy them at the time, cherish them when you're apart, but always remember that the difficult times make the high-flying moments even better.